Friday, 17 September 2010

week 3

This week I have begun making my actual models for my table top environment. So far I have made and rendered a few glasses. i have also made a plate, some cutlery, table and fruit bowl but i haven't rendered them as I am having some problems making the material for them.

In Maya I have been modeling a helmet which, although it has been stressful and annoying at times, has been fun. I am just struggling with the mouth part but I think I'm just going to do some trial and error to get it right.

Week 3

This week I have begun making my actual models for my table top environment. So far I have made and rendered a few glasses. i have also made a plate, some cutlery, table and fruit bowl but i haven't rendered them as I am having some problems making the material for them.

In Maya I have been modeling a helmet which, although it has been stressful and annoying at times, has been fun. I am just struggling with the mouth part but I think I'm just going to do some trial and error to get it right.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Week 2

This week we got to use 3DS Max in a bit greater detail after a quick recap of lathing and being taught to extrude. This was by using polygons. I really liked the polygons as it opens up a new window into making a lot more abstract shapes and models. I did however struggle to make the fins on the fish which we were making and will need a bit of help with that. Also on Thursday we were given a made up word and had to make a 3D clay model of it and when it came to painting it my one decided to fall apart.

On Friday we finished our model of a temple on Maya. Im not too sure how i feel about Maya yet as it seems more difficult to come to grips with as appose to 3DS Max but Im sure I will get the hand of it soon...hopefully.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Week 1

At the end of this week I have been given my first two briefs and have started my research on them too. So far I have done my mood boards for my dining table visualisation brief and have made one for my creating an environment brief too. On thursday I got my first proper use of 3DS max where I made a beer glass which i enjoyed doing. On Friday I got to use Maya for the first time as well were i made the base for the temple which I will be making so that I get the hand of using the software before going on to making my airport lounge environment.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Thursday 2nd September

Today i was introduced to the second part of my course. This is more the animation side of the course which uses Maya. Also we were given our brief where we have to create an environment. I have chosen an Airport Lounge as straight away i have an image of what i would like it to be like. Later we, as a group we made a mind map with the title "airport" and we wrote a list of things we associate with an airport including lighting, colours and objects.