Friday 6 January 2012

Vis Lit: Task 2

For my second task in Vis Lit I had to find a piece of text and come up with a character and an environment for that piece of text. The text I picked was the song Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent. I think this song is relating the fallen leaves to those who have fallen from grace, due to drug addiction (it is definitely somewhat about drugs). "Fallen leaves on the ground" refers to the addicts and how they started off healthy at the top of tree and began to fall when they got addicted, slowly dying, just as leaves do when they fall to the ground.

My first image, the character, is meant to symbolise the fall from grace. On the left is what could have been, a well respected successful man and on the right is the fallen, a drug addicted waster. The skin is purposely more of a grey colour on the right to show the lack of good health and the fact he is dying. The background also has meaning, it represents, on the left, a nice pure blue which fades into a dark scummy green over the addicts side.

The second image is my environment. It is made to look like a dark and dingy area where you would associate drug addicts and degenerates to hang out.

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