Monday 7 November 2011

Visual Literacy: Happy

For my word "Happy" I wanted to do something a long the lines of my boxing, as that is something I really enjoy and feel happy when I do it. What I love about it is probably what a lot of people would HATE, and that is the exertion. I love giving it everything I have and that feeling exhaustion afterwards. So I decided that I wanted to an image with a boxer on the left side of the image, fading out and "Blood, sweat & tears" on the right. So for the model to be the boxer, who better than myself! The first two images below are the images of the boxer (first is the raw image and second is after I made it black & white in Photoshop)

These images below are all fairly similar besides the text layout changes in one of them and there is a different grungy texture in the background of each of them. The second one I think is my favourite but I think I will lighten up the grungy texture in the back to make it slightly more visible.

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